Means of transport of your choice
In every major city we have a choice about the means of transport. You may for example use the public transport, train, or at least your own car. You may even order a taxi, but some people say they are too expensive, so do not even take them into consideration.
However, the taxi is a convenient way carrier to long journeys. Most of them are equipped with air conditioning and other amenities, so the ride even in the sweltering heat is not exhausting. As for the cost of a taxi ride you can argue whether it is expensive or not. It must be remembered that the cab driver still has to get back to their city after completing the course.
Airport transfers in Poland
Airport transfers are more and more popular service in Poland. So if you wish to come to Polish and worried that you will not get to the airport, you can be calm.Many local taxi drivers will be happy to drive you to the specified location, including the airport.
Fortunately, most taxi drivers speak English and accept credit card payment, which is a convenient solution. After all, not everyone wants to carry cash on them in a foreign country.
Wikipedia about Taxi Services Commission
The Taxi Services Commission (the TSC or the Commission) is the Government agency responsible for the regulation of the taxi and hire car industries in the State of Victoria, Australia. Before becoming a regulator, the Commission was responsible for conducting a major independent inquiry, the Taxi Industry Inquiry, into taxi and other small commercial passenger vehicle services.
The TSC was created as a statutory corporation by the Transport Legislation Amendment (Taxi Services Reform and Other Matters) Act 2011, which amended the State's prime transport statute, the Transport Integration Act 2010, and the Transport (Compliance and Miscellaneous) Act 1983.