Old models of agricultural machinery
Automobile is not only cars or motorbikes. Many fans machine collects all sorts of completely different equipment. They are often used to actively vehicles participating in field work. The use of such machines was quickly superseded by more modern equipment, but their nature has not changed. Often these age machines are really worth huge sums of money, and not everyone can afford to buy these stylish devices. Many of them are still working and fulfills its functions in the field. Many agricultural machines from different periods only takes on its value, and for collectors is a real gem. No wonder that organized various meetings and rallies for fans of old tractors, combines and so on.
At one time, the word engine
Main article: History of the internal combustion engine
At one time, the word engine (from Latin, via Old French, ingenium, "ability") meant any piece of machinery ? a sense that persists in expressions such as siege engine. A "motor" (from Latin motor, "mover") is any machine that produces mechanical power. Traditionally, electric motors are not referred to as "Engines"; however, combustion engines are often referred to as "motors." (An electric engine refers to a locomotive operated by electricity.)
In boating an internal combustion engine that is installed in the hull is referred to as an engine, but the engines that sit on the transom are referred to as motors.3
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_combustion_engine
The interior of the car shows the driver
In many newspapers or on websites related to the automotive industry really we find a lot of information about how to take care of the interior of our car. It is true that, without wanting to cleaning we fail to create a truly clean and neatly decorated the interior of the car, but everything can be seen glancing at, for example, the final result proposed by the authors of such articles of guidance. In many cases, clean the upholstery or perform similar operations does not require special cleaning products, which undoubtedly is a huge advantage. This allows us to perform complex cleaning of many elements in the interior of our car in the back garden or in the garage.