Good technical condition of your car- very important

kly obtain necessary sometimes the vehicle. What can you do to buy certainly a good car? Very often it is recommended to select a proposed us a car to the garage. The perfect solution would be that if we had a friendly workshop wh

Good technical condition of your car- very important Daihatsu smoking exhaust

Check the car before you buy

Used cars are much less expensive than acquiring your dream vehicle straight from the showroom. Not surprisingly, it is a very popular way to quickly obtain necessary sometimes the vehicle. What can you do to buy certainly a good car? Very often it is recommended to select a proposed us a car to the garage. The perfect solution would be that if we had a friendly workshop where our friend after a review by a special software this car could tell us a lot about him. Experienced car mechanics unhindered see if the car has already passed through some accident or has other hidden defects, which would like to avoid a potential car owner.

4-stroke engines

4-stroke engines
Main article: 4-stroke engine
Diagram showing the operation of a 4-stroke SI engine. Labels:
1 ? Induction
2 ? Compression
3 ? Power
4 ? Exhaust

The top dead center (TDC) of a piston is the position where it is nearest to the valves; bottom dead center (BDC) is the opposite position where it is furthest from them. A stroke is the movement of a piston from TDC to BDC or vice versa together with the associated process. While an engine is in operation the crankshaft rotates continuously at a nearly constant speed. In a 4-stroke ICE each piston experiences 2 strokes per crankshaft revolution in the following order. Starting the description at TDC, these are:78


Definition of an engine

An engine or motor is a machine designed to convert one form of energy into mechanical energy.12 Heat engines, including internal combustion engines and external combustion engines (such as steam engines), burn a fuel to create heat, which then creates a force. Electric motors convert electrical energy into mechanical motion; pneumatic motors use compressed air and others?such as clockwork motors in wind-up toys?use elastic energy. In biological systems, molecular motors, like myosins in muscles, use chemical energy to create forces and eventually motion.
