Tourism in Lower Silesia
The international airport is located in Wrocław - Wrocław ? Copernicus Airport.
The A4 motorway and A18 motorway run through Lower Silesia.
Lower Silesia is one of the most visited regions in Poland. It is famous for a large number of castles and palaces (more than 100), inter alia: Książ Castle, Czocha Castle, Grodziec castle, Gola Dzierżoniowska Castle. There is also a lot in the Jelenia Góra valley.
The most widely visited city is Wrocław.
The Festival of Good Beer is held every year on the second weekend of June.
Other highlights: Kłodzko Fortress, Fort Silberberg, Project Riese, Wambierzyce, Legnickie Pole, Oleśnica Mała, Lubiąż Abbey, Krzeszów, Henryków, Vang stave church, Churches of Peace, Mount Ślęża, Table Mountains, Owl Mountains, Karkonosze, The Main Trail Sudetes, Barycz Valley Landscape Park
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lower_Silesia
Way to relax in the intact human activity around
Rest in places where we do not experience any interference of man is the dream of an increasing number of people. The increasingly tense lifestyle and a growing number of professional duties, especially in big cities makes the tired worker is needed while breathing in the fresh air. It is on such leave to go for example to the Biebrza the Poleski National Park. You'll find really unique, one-of-a-kind nature. What's more, despite the great attractiveness of these sites we can often be the only tourists on the trail, and this is undoubtedly an advantage go to a secluded place. No wonder that such trips are becoming more readily chosen by tourists.
Wkipedia facts - polish cusine:
Polish cuisine has evolved over the centuries to become very eclectic due to Poland's history. Polish cuisine shares many similarities with other Central European cuisines, especially German and Austrian as well as Jewish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Russian, French and Italian culinary traditions. It is rich in meat, especially pork, chicken and beef (depending on the region) and winter vegetables (cabbage in the dish bigos), and spices. It is also characteristic in its use of various kinds of noodles the most notable of which are kluski as well as cereals such as kasha (from the Polish word kasza). Polish cuisine is hearty and uses a lot of cream and eggs. Festive meals such as the meatless Christmas eve dinner (Wigilia) or Easter breakfast could take days to prepare in their entirety.
The main course usually includes a serving of meat, such as roast, chicken, or kotlet schabowy (breaded pork cutlet), vegetables, side dishes and salads, including surówka su?rufka ? shredded root vegetables with lemon and sugar (carrot, celeriac, seared beetroot) or sauerkraut (Polish: kapusta kiszona, pronounced ka?pusta k?i???na). The side dishes are usually potatoes, rice or kasza (cereals). Meals conclude with a dessert such as sernik, makowiec (a poppy seed pastry), or drożdżówka dr???d??ufka yeast pastry, and tea.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poland#Cuisine