Disinfection of tables by patients' beds
Cleaning hospital wards is performed by people who have been specially prepared for this type of work. They must be resistant to various diseases and have good physical fitness, because cleaning all hospital rooms can be very demanding. Practically every day cleaning of hospital bathrooms is done, which must be sterile clean and the floor in bathrooms is washed up to two or three times a day. Every other day, there is also a thorough disinfection of the tables standing next to the patients' beds, which are still wiped every morning. However, once a week or before an important medical visit, additional thorough floor cleaning is carried out.
Cleaning sports halls
In sports halls, activities for children who want to become athletes in the future, as well as for people preparing for important professions can be organized. That's why in the sports halls there are many people who are subject to various exercises or watch the struggles of others. They can cause littering of such halls, which is why people employed in cleaning teams first deal with throwing out rubbish, then with abrasion of dust and washing the floors. They use strong resources available in general and more sporting stores. Thanks to this, all people in such halls can feel safe and comfortable. After larger sports competitions, general cleaning of sports halls are also carried out.
Daily cleaning of school rooms
The head teacher sometimes decides to rent the entire cleaning company, especially if the school building supervised by him is very large and has many classes and other rooms. Usually, prior to the start of school classes, toilet cleaning and checking the status of classes are carried out. However, after finished lessons, floors and grated hens are washed. If necessary, the person employed in the cleaning company can sweep the floor still during the school activities. From time to time, thorough school cleaning is also carried out, combined with window cleaning and flooring. In the spring and summer season, cleaning works outside the school are also carried out.