Public transport is of utmost importance. You can quickly reach the first place, above all those who do not own a car. On the other hand, using the bus or smaller buses can get rid of the problem of parking the, which is often quite confusing for drivers. The bus ride makes it not need to be focused on driving. It is not surprising that this mode of transport is still often used on Polish roads. True, much of the buses is a machine that would give longer to the museum associated with the automotive industry, but there is also a really modern, rich in many of the features of vehicles on the road. The use of the exclusive bus is a feature of organized tours and I must admit that this is undoubtedly advantage of long journeys.
Exclusive cars - only for the richest
Luxury car brand virtually since their inception are surrounded with an aura of mystery for average earners. Although over the years the exclusive, global brand cars were beginning to reveal its secrets to the outside world and show their offer, however, to this day, some car models are intended only for the richest people in the world. Luxury cars are a sign of prestige and good luck, while allowing very stand out in the crowd. Most of them are made of special materials and to achieve a surprisingly high speed. Another advantage of these cars is equipped with many different, sometimes very expensive gadgets.
Some facts - Alternatives to car use
Established alternatives for some aspects of car use include public transit such as buses, trolleybuses, trains, subways, tramways light rail, cycling, and walking. Car-share arrangements and carpooling are also increasingly popular, in the US and Europe.75 For example, in the US, some car-sharing services have experienced double-digit growth in revenue and membership growth between 2006 and 2007. Services like car sharing offering a residents to "share" a vehicle rather than own a car in already congested neighborhoods.76 Bike-share systems have been tried in some European cities, including Copenhagen and Amsterdam. Similar programs have been experimented with in a number of US Cities.77 Additional individual modes of transport, such as personal rapid transit could serve as an alternative to cars if they prove to be socially accepted.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternatives_to_car_use