Spring cleaning
Women really like to do spring cleaning, although at the same time they are usually very dissatisfied with what their house looks like after the winter. This is because the heating season is conducive to the creation of more or less smoke in the house and the deposition of dust on various home appliances. Also curtains and window curtains do not look very good after winter. That's why home cleaning done in the spring usually starts with taking off the curtains and rubbing the dust, and then the housewives start cleaning the windows. Carrying out all activities related to window cleaning is conducive to ventilation of the domestic rooms, combined with the removal of webs created during the winter.
Cleaning school buildings
School buildings are cleaned by special teams that deal with making thorough cleanups in large buildings. Admittedly, the caretakers deal with maintaining the schools on a daily basis, but they are not able to quickly clean all school rooms. Meanwhile, cleaning companies entering the school can clean up all classes and gyms and school toilets in one day. In the latter rooms, decent disinfection is carried out, and in addition, all sanitary facilities can be inspected. However, classes and gyms are thoroughly vacuumed and cleaned, and additionally well ventilated. Thanks to this, the dust created during the school year is removed.
Cleaning sanitary facilities
Sanitary rooms are located in shopping malls, hospitals, schools and many public buildings. All such rooms must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Most often on the floors of such rooms there are tiles that are swept and wiped every day, while during larger rooms they can be vacuumed and cleaned using more powerful means. Cleaning crews employed in such rooms also try to clean the sanitary facilities themselves and check their general condition on a daily basis. Special attention is paid to sanitary devices installed in hospitals, because they are used by many people struggling with various diseases.