About DTP Operators
The DTP operator is a responsible person in printers, publishing houses and wherever materials are printed in large quantities, for the correct preparation of files that will be printed. The task is easy and simple in theory, however, one small error of the DTP operator and the circulation of several thousand copies of newspapers can be thrown away. In this work, many things may go wrong: change of paper for another, new printer with other inks, incorrect conversion of colors. There are also typo errors, bad placement of some element or just a few details. All this can end very badly and bring big losses - so it's work under stress and tension, because if something goes wrong it usually will be just for the DTP operator.
Mobile advertising
Mobile advertising on the car is a good idea for a local company to advertise. Such stickers on the body or even paint the entire company car in advertising. However, as everything can be overdone here too, so it is not worth refocusing the subject.
Sometimes it's enough to use a simple sticker with the logo and phone number, which can be easily ordered from your local printing company. Most of them also offer low advertising stickers, which can be useful in any company.
Good printing and design
Everyone likes when the leaflet is colorful, aesthetic and legible. However, a lot depends on the project itself, in other words, graphics preparing the files for printing. He must be aware of the basic matters regarding composition and layout. A well-made leaflet will certainly have a better effect than a short, ugly one.
A lot also depends on the printing house and the selection of paper and the type of printing. A leaflet looks better on shiny and smooth paper than on a torn parchment. The type of paint and the method of printing is also not insignificant, and its selection is best entrusted to a specialist in this topic or to pass on a printing company that has extensive experience with each type of orders.